I am a mother and a wife. I love my son and my husband! My head never stops- I lay down at night and my mind just keeps going. Over and over and over. I need a way to get all these things out of my brain and the best way I could think to do it was a blog- this is my mind. Enjoy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Passed the test!

A pregnancy test that is... and by passing it I mean it was negative. I do NOT want more children. (I love them but the depression from my first is too much to want to have to go through it again)

In case you are wondering why I even thought it was possible that I might be pregnant (my husband and I are VERY careful but nothing is 100% effective- except not having sex, and we are certainly NOT going to do that)
 But my period is 3 weeks late. I am ASSUMING it is just because of my nursing which must be throwing my cycle off- which is fine- I just want to make sure I'm not pregnant. Especially since I occasionally have a couple drinks after my son has gone to bed.

Anyhow- today was an eventful day! After passing my test my son and I went out shopping in search of something for him to wear to my sister-in-laws wedding which is in 3 weeks. So I went to some consignment shops and found nothing until the last one- and I found some stuff to put together an outfit- and it came out to under 20 bucks. So then I headed to the mall. I figured if I could find something for close to the same cost that was NEW then I would be even happier. I went EVERYWHERE- Gap kids, Old Navy, Macy's, JCPenney, Sears, Gymboree, etc. etc. AND FOUND NOTHING!!!! I couldn't believe it. So I headed to the ATM (I never carry cash) and headed back to the consignment shop (Best Dressed Kids) I almost walked out with an outfit that was going to cost about 15 bucks that I was only SLIGHTLY okay with, when out of the corner of my eye I saw EXACTLY what I was looking for! It was a 12 month outfit (my son will be around 9 months at the wedding) so I figured it would be big. Luckily the person who had it before apparently had a skinny boy because they had sewn the side of the pants in and it fit my son PERFECTLY! I was so excited!

The best part- the ENTIRE outfit (3 pieces) was $9.50 and the shoes (which also looked brand new) were $1.35! SCOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRREEEEE!! I LOVE getting good deals!


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