I am a mother and a wife. I love my son and my husband! My head never stops- I lay down at night and my mind just keeps going. Over and over and over. I need a way to get all these things out of my brain and the best way I could think to do it was a blog- this is my mind. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Update on my husband

He has a hiatel hernia and has to have a scope on Friday which will tell us if he has cancer in his esophagus. If not then it sounds like there will be no surgery which is a good thing.

So he had an appointment today to take a radioactive iodine pill that would allow them to do an uptake scan tomorrow on his thyroid to tell us whether or not he needs to be operated on for the thyroid problem. Well we thought it might be possible that he might not be able to hold the baby for a day or two but had no idea it will be a WEEK. He has to stay at LEAST 3 feet away from the baby at all times. This is going to be tough. This also means that he can't sleep in bed with us. Ugh.. My poor husband. He is so upset about this- I wish there was something I could do to make him feel better!


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