I am a mother and a wife. I love my son and my husband! My head never stops- I lay down at night and my mind just keeps going. Over and over and over. I need a way to get all these things out of my brain and the best way I could think to do it was a blog- this is my mind. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Family Gathering!

It's shocking- the family actually got ALONG today! It was so nice- since my BIL and SIL have not spoken to any of us since before Easter. And of course it was over something political. But today was nice. It was my SIL's boyfriend's birthday. YAY for him. (I don't like him- he is pretty much a sexist pig- and I am quite the feminist. So his comments piss me off. Not to mention he doesn't deserve my SIL but she is so desperate to finally have someone in her life that she is settling.

Anyhow- it was nice to see everyone agian, and hopefully we do it again soon, although I am not the biggest fan of leaving the house.

(I say that because I HATE bottle feeding, and I know when I breastfeed in front of my husbands family they are thinking "she is STILL doing that!?) Okay, maybe I don't KNOW that, but it's how I feel.

Do I change the subject too much?



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