I am a mother and a wife. I love my son and my husband! My head never stops- I lay down at night and my mind just keeps going. Over and over and over. I need a way to get all these things out of my brain and the best way I could think to do it was a blog- this is my mind. Enjoy!

Monday, May 17, 2010

The first 6 months

Well my son is now 6 months old. I have been EXTREMELY lucky because my son is such a wonderful baby so far.

There have been several issues we have had though. Starting with the birth- two days of induction and then ending with a c-section. I know this wouldn't have happened if I had a homebirth- which is truly what I wanted, but my husband insisted we go to the hospital because he was scared something might go wrong. Our next baby we will be attempting a VBAC- which will be a whole new world of research.

Then my biggest fear- problems with breastfeeding. After a month of my breasts STILL not feeling full- the doctor decided it was time to supplement as my son continued to lose weight. I was depressed, and still feel that I have done wrong for my child. Having breastfeeding problems was my biggest fear- and I am facing it every day. But I am going to save more rambling on breastfeeding for another entry.

So far my son has rolled over from tummy to back, and back to tummy, back to tummy, he's sitting up pretty well, and has started to get his front bottom two teeth. He is starting to say "moommm" and likes to shriek!

In the first month he was already sleeping pretty much through the night. We are co-sleeping, and loving it. At first we were sleeping with him between my husband and I- but then my husband decided that he missed us cuddling at night- so now my son sleeps next to me.

My son loves to make faces, especially now that he can feel his teeth coming in. He chews on his lips and makes smacking noises. He is constantly lifting his eyebrows- or raising one eyebrow. It is just adorable.

All in all I am happy to be a mommy, and love exploring my new world! We started rice cereal at six months! He is just growing up too soon!


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